  • the bird has flown
    the person one is looking for has escaped or left 要找的人逃走(或离开)了
  • a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush
    (proverb)it's better to be content with what you have than to risk losing everything by seeking to get more (谚)双鸟在林不如一鸟在手
  • the birds and the bees
    (informal)basic facts about sex and reproduction as told to a child (非正式)(讲给儿童听的)性启蒙知识
  • birds of a feather flock together
    (proverb)people of the same sort or with the same tastes and interests will be found together (谚)人以群分,物以类聚
  • do (one's) bird
    (Brit. informal)serve a prison sentence (英,非正式)服刑,坐牢
  • flip someone the bird (或 flip the bird)
    (US)stick one's middle finger up at someone as a sign of contempt or anger 向某人竖中指(表示轻蔑或愤怒)
  • (strictly) for the birds
    (informal)not worthy of consideration (非正式)不值得考虑,算个鸟
  • get the bird
    (Brit. informal)be booed or jeered at (英,非正式)被嘘,被嘲弄
  • give someone the bird
    (Brit. informal)boo or jeer at someone (英, 非正式)嘘某人,喝某人倒彩;嘲弄某人
  • have a bird
    (N. Amer. informal)be very shocked or agitated (北美,非正式)震惊,焦躁不安
  • a little bird told me
    (humorous)used to indicate that the speaker knows something but prefers to keep the identity of the informant a secret (幽默)[用于表示说话者不愿透露向其提供消息者为何人]有人跟我说
  • for the birds
    Objectionable or worthless. 令人不快的或无用的
  • A decorated egg with a bird on it, given to a young married couple, is a wish for children.
  • Dr William Bird suggests in his study that wild places may induce impulsive behaviour in people.
  • Learn five species of bird, five butterflies, five trees, five bird songs.
  • Bird lovers, both young and old, have already responded with excitement at the news.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Some fly very long distances, including one kind of bird that flies from the remote north of the world, all the way to the distant south.
    2017年6月四级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • The birds will be encouraged to clean the park through the use of a small box that delivers a small amount of bird food.
    2019年12月四级真题(第一套)听力 Section A
  • Writing in the journal, the scientists describe how the storks from Germany were clearly affected by the presence of waste sites, with four out of six birds that survived for at least five months overwintering on rubbish dumps in northern Morocco, instead of migrating to the Sahel.
  • While many birds travelled along well-known routes to warmer climates, others stopped short and spent the winter on landfills, feeding on food waste, and the multitudes of insects that thrive on the dumps.
  • They have seriously polluted the places where birds spend winter.
  • They have led some birds to give up on migration.
  • They have changed the previous migration habits of certain birds.
  • The birds can easily eat pieces of plastic or rubber hands and they can die, said Flack.
  • Migrating birds affect ecosystems both at home and at their winter destinations, and disrupting the traditional routes could have unexpected side effects.
  • Landfill sites on the Iberian Peninsula have long attracted local white storks, but all of the Spanish birds tagged in the study flew across the Sahara Desert to the western Sahel.
  • In the short-term, the birds seem to benefit from overwintering ( ' , 过冬) on rubbish dumps.
  • For the birds, it's a very convenient way to get food.
  • Andrea Flack of the Max Planck Institute found that birds following traditional migration routes were more likely to die than German storks that flew only as far as northern Morocco, and spent the winter there on rubbish dumps.
  • Way up north in the Canadian Arctic, seabirds are picking up dangerous chemicals in the ocean and delivering them to ponds near where the birds live.
  • Some 10,000 pairs of the birds, called fulmars, a kind of Arctic seabird, make their nests on Devon Island, north at the Arctic circle.
  • People who live, hunt or fish near bird coloniesneed to be careful, the researchers say, The birds don’t mean to cause harm, but the chemicals they carry can cause major problems.
  • Other birds unknowingly carry seeds that cling to them for the ride.
  • In ponds closest to the colony, the result showed there were far more pollutants than the ponds less affected by the birds.
  • Canadian scientists have found a worrisome new example of the power that birds have to spread stuff around.
  • Birds flock together, fish school together, cattle herd together.
  • He captures birds only to let them go when he realizes the cruelty involved.
  • The bird Clark's nutcracker, for example, hides up to 100, 000 seeds per year, up to 30 kilometers away from the seed source, and has a very close symbiotic(共生的) relationship with several pine species, most 32 notably the whitebark pine.
    2016年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
    A bird is a creature with feathers and wings. Female birds lay eggs. Most birds can fly.
    Some men refer to young women as birds. This use could cause offence.
    Some people refer to the birds and the bees when they are talking about sex, especially to children.
    Someone who is doing bird is in prison.
    They warned him that next time he'd find himself doing bird. 他们警告他下次他可能就要进监狱了。
    If you refer to two people as birds of a feather, you mean that they have the same interests or are very similar.
    If an audience gives someone the bird, they shout loudly in order to show their disappointment or disapproval.
    If you get the bird or if someone gives you the bird, they make a rude gesture with their middle finger at you.
    A bird in the hand is something that you already have and do not want to risk losing by trying to get something else.
    If you say that a little bird told you about something, you mean that someone has told you about it, but you do not want to say who it was.
    Some people use the phrase old bird to refer to someone and say what they are like.
    As usual, Wheeler, a wise old bird, got it right... 和往常一样,惠勒——一个非常聪明的人——又做对了。 She was such a decent old bird. 她是一个如此端庄的女人。
    If you say that someone or something is a rare bird, you mean that they are very unusual.
    If you say that doing something will kill two birds with one stone, you mean that it will enable you to achieve two things that you want to achieve, rather than just one.
  • Noun
    1. warm-blooded egg-laying vertebrates characterized by feathers and forelimbs modified as wings
    2. the flesh of a bird or fowl (wild or domestic) used as food
    3. informal terms for a (young) woman
    4. a cry or noise made to express displeasure or contempt
    5. badminton equipment consisting of a ball of cork or rubber with a crown of feathers
  • Verb
    1. watch and study birds in their natural habitat
  • 体育: 碟靶;俯平衡;举髋部;高双托腹平衡;羽毛球;
    动物学: 鸟;