
[əˈmɪs] [əˈmɪs]
相关单词 go amiss
  • take something amiss
    be offended by something that is said, especially through misinterpreting the intentions behind it (尤指误解含义)因…而见怪
  • something would not go (或 come) amiss
    the specified thing would be welcome and useful 受欢迎的,称心的
  • Adjective
    1. not functioning properly;
    "something is amiss""has gone completely haywire""something is wrong with the engine"
  • Adverb
    1. away from the correct or expected course;
    "something has gone awry in our plans""something went badly amiss in the preparations"
    2. in an improper or mistaken or unfortunate manner;
    "if you think him guilty you judge amiss""he spoke amiss""no one took it amiss when she spoke frankly"
    3. in an imperfect or faulty way;
    "The lobe was imperfectly developed""Miss Bennet would not play at all amiss if she practiced more"- Jane Austen