  • 以下这些动词均包含 "前进,行进,进展" 的意思
    advance :主要用于具体的人或物,也可指科学技术和运动等。
    progress :指按某一既定目标前进,取得发展,目的性很明确,强调经常和稳定地前进。
    proceed :侧重指继续前进。
    move on :非正式用语,侧重从某一停止点向某地前进,但不表示前进的目的地。
    go :最常用词,含义宽泛而不确切,依上文确定其具体意思。
  • 以下这些动词都包含 "促进,推进" 的意思
  • in advance
    Ahead of time; beforehand. 提前;预先
  • in advance of
    In front of; ahead of. 在…前面;在…之前
  • It contributes greatly to the advance of society as a whole.
  • Since fewer than half of Americans say they cook at an intermediate level and only 20% describe their cooking skills as advanced, the crisis is one of confidence.
  • Like any skill, cooking gets easier as you do it more; every time you cook, you advance your level of skills.
  • It may prevent your business and career from advancing.
  • Fire was one of the earliest major technological advances for humankind, providing heat, protection, and cooked food (which is much easier to cat and digest).
  • Parents and students who have invested heavily in higher education worry about graduates' job prospects as technological advances and changes in domestic and global markets transform professions in ways that reduce wages and cut jobs
  • Useful thinking skills for advanced academic research.
  • Instead he was keenly interested in product design and aesthetics (美学), and in making advanced technology simple to use.
  • But not all schools show advances after downsizing, and it remains to be seen whether smaller schools will be a cure-all solution.
  • Perhaps they prefer going into a nursing home and can select one in advance.
  • Planning everything in advance.
  • Although economic research and previous survey findings have shown that career interruptions related to motherhood may make it harder for women to advance in their careers and compete for top executive jobs, relatively few adults in the recent survey poin
    2019年6月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • It seems to me that a compromise would be receiving the exam questions a day or two in advance, and then doing the actual test in class with the ticking clock overhead.
    2017年12月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • like any skill, cooking gets easier as you do it more; every time you cook, you advance your level of skills.
    2015年12月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • The summer program run by a nonprofit organization has helped many underserved students learn advanced math.
  • The summer after 7th grade, students spend three weeks on a college campus studying advanced math for seven hours a day.
  • Teachers in low-income urban and rural areas with no history of participating in math competitions may not know about advanced-math opportunities like MathCounts—and those who do may not have support or feel trained to lead them.
  • Parents of advanced-math students and MathCounts coaches say the children are on the website constantly.
  • Of course, much of this argument in the 1930s-40s was advanced because there was little or no experience in justifying apparel ( ' , 服装) on the basis of utility.
  • Most of the training for advanced-math competitions happens outside the confines of the normal school day.
  • Middle school is an important age because students have enough math capability to solve advanced problems, but they haven't really decided what they want to do with their lives, said Loh.
  • Middle school is a crucial period when students may become keenly interested in advanced mathematics.
  • Math circles provide students with access to advanced-math training by university professors.
  • It's no secret in the advanced-math community that diversity is a problem.
  • In these groups, which came out of an Eastern European tradition of developing young talent, professors teach promising K-12 students advanced mathematics for several hours after school or on weekends.
  • But efforts are in place to expose more black, Hispanic, and low-income students to advanced math, in the hope that the demographic pool of high-level contenders will eventually begin to shift and become less exclusive.
  • Another influential feeder for advanced-math students is an online school called Art of Problem Solving, which began about 13 years ago and now has 15,000 users.
  • Unlike developed cities, however, these areas lack advanced water-treatment facilities, and rivers effectively become sewers ( ' , 下水道).
  • Technological advances.
  • It represents the rapid technological advance in people's daily life.
  • There is an incompatibility in the rate at which these are advancing relative to the way we're digesting it, he said.
  • The U.S. is also the only advanced economy that does not guarantee workers paid vacation time, and it's one of only two countries in the world that does not offer guaranteed paid maternity leave.
  • But advances in technology might make Antarctica a lot more accessible three decades from now.
  • Advanced batteries are moving out of specialized markets and creeping into the mainstream, signaling a tipping point for forward-looking technologies such as electric cars and rooftop solar panels.
  • The purpose of today’s lecture, as you have seen from the title and the abstract, is to examine in more detail the problems facing small- and medium-sized enterprises which arise at least in part from having to adapt to rapid advances in technology.
  • Our mission is to promote, protect and advance the social work profession.
  • It advances with the times.
  • But this vote of confidence in Oprah sends a troubling message at precisely the time when American universities need to do more to advance the cause of reason.
  • The equipment in American studios was more advanced than anything in Britain, which had led the Beatles' great rivals, the Rolling Stones, to make their latest album, "Aftermath", in Los Angeles.
  • It is essential to advanced manufacturing.
  • According to the college, the plan is designed for high-ability, highly motivated student who wish to save money or to move along more rapidly toward advanced degrees.
  • There are three dozen universities in the UK which are actively engaged in advanced research training and commercialisation work.
  • Only two countries in the advanced world provide no guarantee for paid leave from work to care for a newborn child.
  • As sisters and brothers advanced into old age, closeness increases and rivalry diminishes, explains VC, a psychologist at Purdue University.
  • Devotion to the advance of science.
  • In a division of electronic engineers, who were designing equipments so advanced that they work in teams of up to 150, co-workers and managers were asked to nominate the standouts- the stars in productivity and effectiveness
  • Do you think I should tell her in advance that I'm a vegetarian?
  • Noun
    1. a movement forward;
    "he listened for the progress of the troops"
    2. a change for the better; progress in development
    3. a tentative suggestion designed to elicit the reactions of others;
    "she rejected his advances"
    4. the act of moving forward toward a goal
    5. an amount paid before it is earned
    6. increase in price or value;
    "the news caused a general advance on the stock market"
  • Verb
    1. move forward, also in the metaphorical sense;
    "Time marches on"
    2. bring forward for consideration or acceptance;
    "advance an argument"
    3. increase or raise;
    "boost the voltage in an electrical circuit"
    4. contribute to the progress or growth of;
    "I am promoting the use of computers in the classroom"
    5. cause to move forward;
    "Can you move the car seat forward?"
    6. obtain advantages, such as points, etc.;
    "The home team was gaining ground""After defeating the Knicks, the Blazers pulled ahead of the Lakers in the battle for the number-one playoff berth in the Western Conference"
    7. develop in a positive way;
    "He progressed well in school""My plants are coming along""Plans are shaping up"
    8. develop further;
    "We are advancing technology every day"
    9. give a promotion to or assign to a higher position;
    "John was kicked upstairs when a replacement was hired""Women tend not to advance in the major law firms""I got promoted after many years of hard work"
    10. pay in advance;
    "Can you advance me some money?"
    11. move forward;
    "we have to advance clocks and watches when we travel eastward"
    12. rise in rate or price;
    "The stock market gained 24 points today"
  • Adjective
    1. being ahead of time or need;
    "gave advance warning""was beforehand with her report"
    2. situated ahead or going before;
    "an advance party""at that time the most advanced outpost was still east of the Rockies"
  • 体育: 前进;向前移步;前伸;推进;进入下一轮比赛;进垒;
    医学: 做徙前术:施行向前移的手术;
    水利: 进占;堵口工程节节进堵的实施过程。;
    法律: 垫款;预付款项;提出;促进;
    航海科技: 纵距;
    金融: 需要担保的贷款;