  • What does it take to make a Silicon Valley?It's the right people.
  • Stanford and Berkeley yielded Silicon Valley.
  • If you could get the right ten thousand people to move from Silicon Valley to Buffalo, Buffalo would become Silicon Valley.
  • Could you reproduce Silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it?It wouldn't be surprising if it were hard to reproduce in other countries, because you couldn't reproduce it in most of the US either.
  • Could you reproduce silicon Valley elsewhere, or is there something unique about it?
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • If you could get the right ten thousand people to move from silicon Valley to Buffalo, Buffalo would become Silicon Valley.
    2015年12月四级真题(第二套)阅读 Section C
  • In contrast, California, home of Silicon Valley, recently proposed far more restrictive rules that would require human drivers be ready to take the wheel, and ban commercial use of self-driving technology.
    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • It has migrated from Detroit to silicon Valley, where self-driving vehicles are coming to life.
    2019年6月四级真题(第一套)阅读 Section A
  • The personal computing revolution and philosophy of disruptive innovation of silicon Valley grew, in part, out of the creations of the Homebrew Computer Chub, which was founded in a garage in Menlo Park, California, in the mid-1970s.
    2019年6月四级真题(第三套)阅读 Section B
  • Self-made billionaires in Beijing, tech innovators in Silicon Valley, pioneering justices in Ghana—in these and countless other areas, women are leaving their mark.
  • But, Kapur notes, none of us like to fail, no matter how often Silicon Valley entrepreneurs praise the beneficial effects of an idea that fails or a start-up company that crashes and burns
  • There aren't many jobs in science for them, so they go to Wall Street and Silicon Valley to apply their analytical skills to more practical—and rewarding—efforts.
  • Noun
    1. a tetravalent nonmetallic element; next to oxygen it is the most abundant element in the earth's crust; occurs in clay and feldspar and granite and quartz and sand; used as a semiconductor in transistors
  • 医学: 硅:一种非金属元素,见于自然界者为其氧化物二氧化硅,元素符号为Si,原子序数14,原子量28.086;
    物理学: 硅;