  • 以下这些形容词都有"热的" 的意思
  • One of the greatest heartbreaks for fire fighters occurs when they fail to rescue a child from a burning building because the child, frightened by smoke and noise, hides under a bed or in a closet and is later found dead.
  • Why do some children trapped in a burning building hide from masked fire fighters
  • Yet until recently the worst forecasts were almost exclusively linked to direct human activity, such as clear-cutting and burning for pastures or farms.
  • Each burning season in the Amazon, fires deliberately set by frontier settlers and developers hurl up almost half a billion metric tons of carbon a year, placing Brazil among the top five contributors to greenhouse gases in the world
  • Its practice of burning forests for settlement and development.
  • But its surface has been cooked and dried by an ocean of carbon dioxide, trapped in the burning death grip of a runaway greenhouse effect.
    2019年6月六级真题(第二套)听力 Section C
  • Gathering your resources to "try hard" requires burning energy in order to overcome your currently low arousal level.
    2018年12月六级真题(第一套)阅读 Section B
  • Noun
    1. the act of burning something;
    "the burning of leaves was prohibited by a town ordinance"
    2. pain that feels hot as if it were on fire
    3. a process in which a substance reacts with oxygen to give heat and light
    4. execution by electricity
    5. execution by fire
  • Adjective
    1. producing or having a painfully hot sensation;
    "begged for water to soothe his burning throat"
    2. intensely hot;
    "a burning fever""the burning sand"
    3. characterized by intense emotion;
    "ardent love""an ardent lover""a burning enthusiasm""a fervent desire to change society""a fervent admirer""fiery oratory""an impassioned appeal""a torrid love affair"
    4. lighted up by or as by fire or flame;
    "forests set ablaze (or afire) by lightning""even the car's tires were aflame""a night aflare with fireworks""candles alight on the tables""blazing logs in the fireplace""a burning cigarette""a flaming crackling fire""houses on fire"
    5. of immediate import;
    "burning issues of the day"
    6. consuming fuel; used in combination;
    "coal-burning (or wood-burning) stoves"
  • 公路科技: 烧伤;
    冶金学: 过烧;又称 :过烧(overheating);
    医学: 燎;
    航天: 过烧;